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About this Site

As many of you already know my name is Magaly Rivera, I was born in Puerto Rico.

I often get asked, "how did you get started working on this web site?"

It all began in 1994, when I was living in Illinois and going to school. I was taking a Geography, among other classes. We were assigned with a research project in which we had to choose a country and do a report on it. My first idea was to research about an exotic destination or perhaps a country from my bucket list, or even one on which I did know very little or nothing about. Soon enough I decided that nobody else in my class would be able to provide a better picture of Puerto Rico than myself, a native Puerto Rican.

Who knew the island better than I? I thought! While at the same time, I was excited to learn few new things about Puerto Rico. There are so many places to visit and so many things to do. I completed and submitted my report. The result was very pleasing. I obtained a 100% with a note from the professor congratulating me for a job well done. HURRAY!

Then, in early 1995, I transferred the content of my report into the first HTML page, it was a plain and simple page, a one pager. Back then my intent to was learn HTML. Soon after, I started receiving hundreds of e-mails and thank you notes, encouraging me to continue to work on this web site, and the rest is history.

Magaly Rivera at El Morro
Photo from one of my trips.

So, I did... and I do. Today, Welcome to Puerto Rico! is the oldest continuously operating web site about Puerto Rico.

I would like to thank to Mr. Jose Pietri from Hewlett-Packard of Puerto Rico and Professor Peter Y. Johnson from the Technology Institute of Illinois for allowing to use the photos from their respective web sites and complement the collection of photos that makes this web site unforgettable. In addition, I can't forget Proyecto Coqui in Puerto Rico for providing photos and sounds of our beloved coqui. Thank you!

You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or add a link to this site.

Did You Know?

Puerto Rico population is equivalent to 0.04% of the total world population. (2020)