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Cocina Criolla / Main Dishes

Salmorejo de Jueyes


  • 1 libra de carne de jueyes
  • 1 cda. de sofrito hecho en la casa (ingredientes culantro, ajos, cilantrillo, tomates,
  • ajies dulces, cebolla y pimiento)
  • 1 cdta. aceite vegetal
  • 3 cdas. salsa de tomate
  • sal a gusto


En una sartén eche el aceite y espere a que se caliente. Vierta la cda. de sofrito y sofr�a hasta por 1 minuto. Eche la carne de jueyes en la sarten y continue sofriendo. Eche la salsa y la sal. Tape el sarten y deje cocinar 15 minutos a fuego bajo.

Combinelo con arroz blanco o guineos verdes sancochaos.

Recipe sent by: Maritza Serrano from Manatí, PR.

My Favorite Recipe Book

Find recipes like this and more in the recipe book Puerto Rican Cookery by Carmen Aboy Valldejuli. My mother gave me this recipe book on my 18th birthday and it has been my staple recipe book ever since.

Did You Know?

To become the 51st state, Congress would have to pass a statute to admit Puerto Rico as a state.