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Cocina Criolla / Beverages

Piña Colada

Savor the classic Puerto Rican Pina Colada, a refreshing blend of rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice, perfect for a tropical taste of the island.


  • 15 onzas de crema de coco (Cream of coconut)
  • Ron blanco de Puerto Rico
  • Jugo de piña, sin endulzar


En un recipiente grande, vierta el contenido de la lata de crema de coco. Añada 30 onzas de ron blanco, Añada 45 onzas de jugo de piña. Mézclelo todo. Conserver en la nevera. Al momento de servir, agite bien el envase y sirva la bebida.

Proporción de la Piña Colada: 1 parte de crema de coco, 2 partes de ron blanco y 3 partes de jugo de piña.

My Favorite Recipe Book

Find recipes like this and more in the recipe book Puerto Rican Cookery by Carmen Aboy Valldejuli. My mother gave me this recipe book on my 18th birthday and it has been my staple recipe book ever since.

Did You Know?

The term "china" originated from a brand of oranges that came to Puerto Rico in the 19th century, advertised as names "Naranjas de la China/Oranges from China" China in PR is the color orange and the fruit. naranja, which is used for oranges in most Spanish speaking countries, only refers to the bitter orange in Puerto Rico.