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Cocina Criolla / Main Dishes

Kidney Stew


  • 7 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
  • 2 to 3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 1/2 bell pepper chopped fine
  • 3 medium tomatoes peeled finely chopped
  • 3 medium size potatoes cut into dice cubes
  • 2 dices celery
  • 2 carrots dices
  • 6 mushrooms sliced
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar (malt )
  • 1 1/2 pounds lamb kidneys, trimmed and cut into quarters
  • 1 1/2 cup of beefstock ( chicken / Vegetable )
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt & peppeer to taste


Add 3 teaspoons of olive oil to a 8-10 in skillet over moderated heat. Add onions, bell peppers and garlic, stiring frequently until they are soft and transparent, but not brown. Add the tomatoes and vinegar, until most of liquid has evaporated and has become thick.This mixture is called sofrito. Remove the pan from heat. Heat the remaining 4 teaspoons of olive oil in a 10-12 inch skillet. Pat the pieces of kidney complete dry with a paper towel. Prinkle salt and pepper grindings. Place the kidney into the hot oil and turn frequently.Cook for 4 to 6 minutes or until they turn lightly browned. Add the sofrito over the kidneys, potatoes, celery, carrots add mushrooms.Add a 11/2 cup of beef stock. Simmer and stirring constly until carrot, celeryand potatoes are soft. Serve at once from a heated platter or bowl with rice.

Recipe sent by: Cristino Alicea from Florida.

My Favorite Recipe Book

Find recipes like this and more in the recipe book Puerto Rican Cookery by Carmen Aboy Valldejuli. My mother gave me this recipe book on my 18th birthday and it has been my staple recipe book ever since.

Did You Know?

The term "china" originated from a brand of oranges that came to Puerto Rico in the 19th century, advertised as names "Naranjas de la China/Oranges from China" China in PR is the color orange and the fruit. naranja, which is used for oranges in most Spanish speaking countries, only refers to the bitter orange in Puerto Rico.