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Cocina Criolla / Desserts

Arroz con Dulce


  • 4 o 5 cocos
  • canela (a gusto)
  • clavos de especie (a gusto)
  • ½ libra de gengibre
  • 1 libra de arroz
  • 1 caja de pasas (si le gusta)


Mezcle la canela, los clavos y el gengibre machacado y haga un te con suficiente agua. Saque el leche de los cocos la cuela y mezcle el te (colado) con la leche de coco. Añada sal a gusto, azucar dorada y azucar blanca. Mezcle con arroz y pasas en un caldero y mueva constantemente para que no se pegue. Tape y cocine a fuego lento.

Recipe sent by: Arnaldo Henriquez Moreno from Bronx.

My Favorite Recipe Book

Find recipes like this and more in the recipe book Puerto Rican Cookery by Carmen Aboy Valldejuli. My mother gave me this recipe book on my 18th birthday and it has been my staple recipe book ever since.

Did You Know?

The term "china" originated from a brand of oranges that came to Puerto Rico in the 19th century, advertised as names "Naranjas de la China/Oranges from China" China in PR is the color orange and the fruit. naranja, which is used for oranges in most Spanish speaking countries, only refers to the bitter orange in Puerto Rico.