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Coqui Quiz

  1. True or False.
    Every year, on January 5th children fill a box with grass or hay and place it under their beds for the three wise men's (or the Three Kings, as they are better known locally) camels, and in return, the Three King's brings presents, which they leave under the bed, after the camels eat the grass.

  2. Fill the blank.
    ____________ is a custard made with cornstarch, sugar, and coconut milk.
    arroz con dulce

  3. True or False.
    On December 24th, a Catholic mass is celebrated at midnight, called "Misa de la Gallina", celebrating the birth of Jesus.

  4. What is a "pesebre"?
    a dessert
    a drink
    a flower
    a nativity scene

  5. What were the gifts the Tree Wise Men presented to baby Jesus?
    Silver, wood and myrrh
    Gold, silver and copper
    Gold, frankincense and myrrh
    Gold, labdanum and myrrh