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Links are the foundation of the world wide web. Links is what makes the Internet so fascinating, connecting widely sources of information and helping users find desired information.

I appreciate and welcome your help in spreading the word about Welcome to Puerto Rico! If you like this web site and would like to help others learn more about Puerto Rico, please feel free to place a link to this website on yours. Thanks!


If you would like to use Welcome to Puerto Rico's logo to link to this site, choose from the graphics below:

Welcome to Puerto Rico! Welcome to Puerto Rico! Welcome to Puerto Rico! Welcome to Puerto Rico!

Text Links

If you prefer to place a text link, you may use any of the following text links:


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Guidelines for use the WPR logo

The WPR logo is provided solely as an indicator of a link to WPR's official web site. By downloading or using the logo, you agree to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. You may only display the logo on your web site, and not in any other manner. It must always be an active link to
  2. The logo must appear by itself, distinct from all other visual elements of your web page. At a minimum spacing (the height of the logo) between each side of the logo and any other graphic or textual elements on your web page.
  3. You may not alter the logo in any manner, including size, proportions, colors, elements, etc., or animate, morph, or otherwise distort its perspective or appearance.
  4. Your use may not be obscene or pornographic, and may not be disparaging, defamatory, or libelous to WPR, or any other person or entity. You may not link to from a web site that is obscene or pornographic, or disparaging, defamatory, or libelous to WPR.
  5. Your use may not directly or indirectly imply WPR's sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your product or service.
  6. Your use may not infringe any WPR intellectual property or other rights, may not violate any state or federal laws, and must comply with international IP laws.
  7. You may not create a frame or border environment around WPR content.
  8. You may link to, but may not replicate, WPR content.
  9. You may not present false or misleading information about WPR.
  10. WPR reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the logo at any time.

How to Download Graphics?

If you are unsure how to download graphics and you are using Netscape or Internet Explorer, then read on.

Netscape 1.2x and Internet Explorer 3.x allows you to download an image, simply by clicking on the image with your right mouse button. Doing this will bring up a menu. Choose the option of "Save this image as..." (Netscape) or "Save Picture as.." (Internet Explorer) - this will provide you with a standard interface for saving files.

Welcome to Puerto Rico! Linking Terms & Conditions

  1. The graphics may not be distributed freely. They are only available to visitors to this site.
  2. The graphics may be used for Web Pages only; all other media excluded.
  3. The graphics may not be modified in any way.
  4. The graphics may be used for both personal and commercial Web Pages.
  5. The graphics may not be sold, distributed, bundled with software, or included in any graphics collections without express written permission.
  6. These terms and conditions only apply to the graphics on this page. Graphics on the other pages of this web site are subject to different term and conditions, please contact me to obtain further information.

Did You Know?

Medalla Light, Puerto Rico's top-selling light beer, won first prize in 2005 for light beer in Brussels awarded by Monde Selection. Produced by Cervecera de Puerto Rico, a family-owned business founded in 1937. Medalla Light has a thin, white head and a clear, fairly bubbly, straw appearance.