Caja de Muertos, Puerto Rico

Located some 5 miles south of Ponce laid "Caja de Muertos", (coffin island). It is said that the name comes from the fact that resembles or gives the impression of seeing a dead person laying on a plateau when it is viewed from a distance. The island is approximately 2.75 km wide by 1.85 km long, with a total area of 202 hectares.
The island has no permanent inhabitants. The existing vegetation is typical of a semi-arid atmosphere predominating the thorny shrubs and cactus.
The Caja de Muerto Lighthouse is a 19th century lighthouse, built in 1887. Restored by the Department of Natural Resources and houses a lookout and a museum. Exhibits features history about the island, and in-depth information about the flora, fauna and marine life that inhabits the island.
Caja de Muertos was designated a nature reserve in 1980, managed by Department of Natural Resources, who maintains staff and and security personnel. The reserve also includes the cays of Cayo Morrillito and Cayo Berberia.
Caja de Muertos is also a heaven for nature lovers who enjoy activities such as birding, scuba diving, snorkeling, and hiking. The island has several beaches worth exploring: Pelicano, Blanca, Larga, Ensenadita and Chica. The island can be reached by a 30-minutes ferry from the La Guancha Boardwalk in Ponce. East Island Excursions also offers day trips. $70, (787) 860-3434.